Solartis Insure Guide

Solartis Insure: Your Solution for Policy Administration Microservices

Policy administration products built using microservices help insurers improve speed-to-market to deliver customer-centric solutions: flexible, agile, and innovative.

However, only Solartis offers three different levels of microservices: Ratings-as-a-Service (RaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

In this guide, you will learn:

  • What microservices are
  • Problems microservices can solve
  • Benefits of Solartis Insure
  • Optimize policy administration with Solartis Insure

Download the Guide

Policy Administration is not a one size fits all solution. You need to select a solution that is right for you.

Solartis Insure is a very different kind of policy administration system. We offer all the rate, quote, and policy administration microservices needed to build a completely custom, scalable, and API-centric insurance and service contract platform.

In this video Carol McKenzie, VP of Sales and Marketing explains the Solartis Insure three delivery options. Check it out and see if one of them is right for you.

Our Microservices Catalog

The Solartis Insure microservices catalog is the largest collection of insurance policy administration microservices in the cloud. 

Explore Catalog




Get a Trial Access to our Sandboxes

Solartis has both the software and the people to ensure your insurance organization is ready for maximum impact and profitability. We offer free, limited-time sandbox access to our microservices for Developers, Business Analysts, and User Experience Experts to explore.

Play in Our Sandbox