Initial Product Configuration

Solartis Methodology for your Initial Implementation

Learn how our agile methodology makes implementation seamless and delivers the best result.

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How Solartis Overcomes Insurance Product Implementation Challenges

At Solartis, we lead the initial implementation using our proven requirements and implementation methodology. Leveraging our microservice-based platform and the Solartis Builder Low Code toolkit, we streamline the entire configuration process, reducing disruptions, setting clear expectations, and accelerating the implementation timeline.

We address common challenges like incomplete or misunderstood requirements, team misalignment, and complex integrations with a collaborative, agile approach. Our project management teams are experts in both our technology and insurance, and we work closely with your team to fully understand your needs.

During this process, you will shadow our team and learn to use our tools, ensuring a seamless transition when it’s time for you to take over product maintenance (if desired). This approach establishes a solid foundation, empowering you to confidently manage and adapt your insurance products as they evolve over time.

A deeper dive into our approach and how we tackle many common implementation problems

Aligning Teams and Streamlining Requirements



Lack of Team Alignment and Clear Objectives

Misaligned teams and unclear objectives often lead to delays, miscommunication, and project setbacks.


Solartis Project Kick-off

Our project kick-off meeting brings together both customer and Solartis teams to establish a shared vision from the outset. We define clear goals, set timelines, outline processes, and assign resources. This structured approach ensures that everyone is aligned, minimizing the risk of miscommunication and paving the way for a successful project.



Vague or Incomplete Requirements

Vague or incomplete requirements often result in costly rework and missed deadlines, impacting the overall success of the project.


Solartis Unique Requirements Methodology

Our structured approach to requirements gathering involves extracting detailed insurance product content into easy-to-review Excel workbooks. By thoroughly documenting and consolidating all product requirements—such as ratings, policy documents, screen questions, underwriting rules, and integration needs—we eliminate ambiguity from the outset.

This clarity accelerates the configuration process and minimizes the need for future revisions, ensuring a smoother and more efficient implementation.

Achieving a Smooth Implementation and Ongoing Maintenance



Rigid Development Cycles

Traditional development cycles are often inflexible, making it difficult to adapt to diverse business requirements.


Solartis Agile Methodology

Our Agile methodology breaks the project into manageable epics and user stories, tracked in your preferred project management tool (e.g., JIRA).

With 2-4 week sprints, we facilitate regular progress reviews and continuous feedback. This iterative approach ensures the project remains on track and makes certain we are aligned with your complex business needs and priorities.



Vendor Dependency

Technology implementations often leave customers dependent on the vendor for ongoing changes and updates.


Builder Low Code Tool

Our implementation sprints utilize Solartis Builder, a low-code tool that enables your team to manage all product components as they change over time —coverages, rate tables, policy documents, underwriting rules etc.

By engaging your team throughout the implementation process, they gain the skills needed to handle updates independently, reducing reliance on external support post-implementation.

Governance & Testing for Project Success



Lack of Strategic Oversight and Risk Management

Projects can veer off course without early risk identification and strategic oversight.


Solartis Governance

We implement a governance structure with daily scrums, bi-weekly milestone reviews, and regular steering committee meetings. This model minimizes delays and ensures issues are addressed before they escalate.



Undetected Development Issues

Late-stage defects can lead to costly fixes.


Rigorous Testing Methodology

Each sprint undergoes structured testing, starting with QA and moving to UAT. We use automated tools to enhance the process, identifying and resolving defects quickly. Our JIRA board provides full visibility into testing progress, reducing the risk of overlooked issues.

Comprehensive Training for Long-Term Success



Inadequate Training for Product Maintenance

Poor training leaves teams struggling to maintain new systems and its tools.


Solartis Builder Training

Your team shadows us during the initial configuration, gaining hands-on experience. With access to our Builder sandbox, training materials, and ongoing support, your team can confidently manage the system post-implementation.



End-User Adoption

End users often struggle with new technology due to inadequate training, resulting in poor user experience.



We adopt a "train the trainer" approach, empowering your team to lead end-user training. This method ensures your in-house experts are equipped to provide ongoing support, fostering greater system familiarity and smoother adoption.

By building internal knowledge, we enhance user engagement and reduce long-term reliance on external resources.

Benefits of a Solartis Implementation

Team Alignment & Comprehensive Requirements
Our collaborative approach and comprehensive requirements process ensure alignment from day one, minimizing miscommunication and delays.
Agile, Flexible Configuration
By using an Agile methodology and the Solartis Builder, we break the project into smaller, manageable stories, ensuring alignment with your complex business needs.
Proactive Governance & Reliable Testing
Daily scrums, milestone reviews, and automated testing keep projects on track, address risks early, and catch defects before they escalate.
Comprehensive Training & Support
Hands-on training and ongoing support equip your team for long-term system management and smooth user adoption.